Critical Records Management Insights, Guides, and Case Studies
Access top-rate resources for government officials to guard and champion public records.

Public Official’s Guide to Developing a Critical Records Management Strategy
Democracy depends on transparency and access to public information. For government leaders, being the guardian of records is both an opportunity and challenge. In this guide, learn how elected and appointed officials are applying Critical Records Management – a more strategic approach to managing, maintaining and safeguarding public records in their care.

Guides, Playbooks, and Articles

10-minute read
AB-1466 Playbook for California Government Leaders
Learn how to address the complexities of California’s AB-1466 restrictive covenants legislation

10-minute read
County Officials’ Guide to Securing ARPA Funds
Step-by-step guide on how to secure federal ARPA funds for your Critical Records Management project

10-minute read
Public Official’s Guide to Developing A Critical Records Management Strategy
Discover a modern approach to managing, safeguarding, and providing digital access to public records

Kofile Case Studies: Public Leaders’ Stories

5-minute read
Kittitas County, WA Case Study
Learn about auditor Jerry Pettit’s initiative to preserve and protect his county’s original plats and maps that represent the legacy of his constituents and community

5-minute read
Pickens County, GA Case Study
Read how clerk Jennifer Jordan saved her community’s legacy by permanently and digitally restoring, preserving, and protecting deeds damaged from fire

5-minute read
Modoc County, CA Case Study
Learn how Assessor-Recorder Kristin DePaul created greater efficiency and access of records through digitization, while protecting them from extreme weather events

5-minute read
How Hidalgo County’s District Clerk breaks barriers to preserve and digitize court files
Laura Hinojosa shares how her commitment to public service led her to preserve and digitize the irreplaceable court records and stories under her watch – including the notorious case files of Charles Harrelson.

Kofile Solutions Overviews

5-minute read
Kofile: A Company Overview
Get the scoop on Kofile, the company mission and values, and how our team works with government leaders and organizations

5-minute read
How Public Leaders are Modernizing Government as Champions and Guardians of Public Records
Learn how public leaders are serving their constituents as guardians and champions of critical records

10-minute read
Critical Records Digitization Solutions and Services Overview
Find out how Kofile takes a comprehensive approach to digitization to deliver highest quality images

12-minute read
Critical Records Preservation Solutions and Services Overview
Dive deeper into how to preserve, restore and protect irreplaceable historical and public records

12-minute read
Critical Records Access Solutions and Services Overview
Find out how to tap into Kofile’s indexing expertise and identify solutions to provide frictionless access to public records