Every Record Has a Story
Experience the Powerful Work of Public Leaders as Champions and Guardians of Irreplaceable Records

Featured Stories

Watch How Dallas County, TX is Preserving its Past and Embracing a Digital Future
County Clerk John Warren, as a custodian of records and history, shares Dallas County’s mission to preserve and learn from its past by bringing its records online.

Bexar County, TX Modernizes Government Services through Public Records
County Clerk Lucy Adame-Clark shares how she and her team use records preservation, mobile services, and digital access to make government work for her community.

Case Study
The Unexpected Impact of the Restoration and Digitization of County Maps
Making space for the election process led to a surprising historical discovery and greater office efficiency for Kittitas County, WA.

Case Study
Modoc County’s Plan to Protect Critical Records from Natural and Unexpected Disasters
Assessor-Recorder Kristen DePaul outlines how Modoc County went from no public records backups to a protected, digitized records inventory for current and future generations.

Case Study
How Pickens County, GA, Uses Federal Funding for Records Preservation and Indexing
Learn how Jennifer Jordan ran for election on the promise of restoring damaged documents and providing citizens with digital access to critical deed records.

Case Study
Bucks County, PA, Provides Public Transparency Through Access to Historical Records
Dan McPhillips, Registrar of Deeds, shares his county’s digitization journey and why quality imaging for records matters.

How Ector County, TX, Used Kofile’s Technology and Expertise to Restore Historical Records
District Clerk Stacy Fawcett explains how she partnered with Kofile to bring life back to irreplaceable historical records using advanced technology.

How Natick’s Town Clerk Showcases the Value of Restored and Digitized Historical Records
Discover how the town of Natick, MA, meets Its mandate to keep paper records – including the Declaration of Independence – while digitizing historical, birth, and marriage records dating back hundreds of years.

The City of Philadelphia Brings its Massive Archives Online to Showcase the People’s History
Crumbling documents and the smell of vinegar from decaying microfilm are just a few of the challenges Tracy Gordon, Register of Wills, faces to preserve the “people’s history”. Check out her mission.

Kofile Bringing Life Back to Potter County
They brought life back to a book where the pages were smashed together. You could have never thought that could be repaired. Kofile produced video.

Mission to mend: Lycoming County Register and Recorder pursues deed book restoration project for a collection of land deals that goes back to 1795
These documents hold generations of memories.

Case Study
How Hillsborough County Brings Greater Access and Transparency to Critical Public Records
The volume of records handled by Kofile and the quality of the restoration process of previously unrecognizable documents impressed Ms. Stuart and encouraged her to partner with Kofile.

Watch Ector County Courts Drive Digitization Records Dating Back to Sovereignty
Stamps were fading, documents were crumbling, and books were falling apart. See how Ector County’s District Clerk, County Clerk and Sheriff’s Offices work together to restore, preserve, and digitally organize its critical records.

Get an Intimate Look at the Process to Restore, Preserve, and Bring Critical Public Records Online
History reflects where we’ve been and point to where we’re headed. Hear Kofile’s Chris Marotti highlight Nuece County’s (TX) records preservation and digitization effort to preserve its vital history.

Henry County Historic Records Uncovered From 1700s Include Famous Signatures and County Origins
A recent discovery includes documents as early as 1774 that detail the formation of Henry County through notable figures like Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe. One document is a land grant from King George III declaring 335 acres to the area in 1774.

Historic Records Center – The County’s Living Timeline
Get an inside look at the records center and the value of preserving and digitizing maps, deeds, wills, and historic records to document the “county’s living timeline.”

Arrest records of Rosa Parks, MLK being preserved
From documents wrapped in rubber bands to a community-changing source of civic pride, see how Montgomery County, AL, worked with Kofile to preserve and digitize the arrest records of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

Case Study
How Hidalgo County’s District Clerk breaks barriers to preserve and digitize court files
Laura Hinojosa shares how her commitment to public service led her to preserve and digitize the irreplaceable court records and stories under her watch – including the notorious case files of Charles Harrelson.

Discovering the unique history of San Joaquin County
Buried in the San Joaquin Valley roll books dating back to the 1860s were segregated tabs for Chinese property owners. Read how irreplaceable records highlight the history of immigration and segregation for Asian Americans and how officials are protecting them

Preserving Johnston County’s History Through its Deed Books
As the custodian of history, Johnston County Register of Deeds Craig Olive is responsible for maintaining and protecting the records. Watch as he partners with the Kofile team to delaminate and preserve historical records that represent the history of Johnston County, NC.

Today’s Record is Tomorrow’s History
The legacy of the people who lived and passed through Rockingham are in the critical records under the watch of County Circuit Court Clerk Chaz Haywood. Read why he’s committed to preserving these irreplaceable historical documents.

Case Study
How Lucy Adame-Clark Champions History and Records Under Her Watch
Bexar County, TX’s first Latina County Clerk elected to office continues to champion preserving and modernizing government by preserving, digitizing, and providing public access to records and history.