Everything You Need to Know About Securing ARPA Funds
Make a case for requesting, securing, and applying for federally allocated ARPA funds for your records modernization, preservation, or digitization project.
As we’ve learned from hundreds of U.S. counties, making a case to secure your county’s allocation is easier than you think.
To help, we’ve compiled a comprehensive County Clerks’ Guide to Secure ARPA Funding that provides:
- a step-by-step guide on how to secure funds and make a case with county boards
- where and how ARPA funds can be applied to specific investments and initiatives
- how county officials are using ARPA funds to advance their county records’ services to their community and generate additional county revenue

Put Your Mark on History
“We’ve found that how you frame and present the impact of a preservation or digitization project is the difference between successful and unsuccessful clerks.”
Chris Marotti
Vice President of Brand, Kofile