
Critical Records Management Solutions for Governments

Confidently tackle your diverse critical records requirements using a comprehensive, proven approach trusted by over 3,000 government organizations and their leaders to manage, protect, and ensure access.

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The Records Management Challenges Facing Government Leaders

Managing, protecting, and providing transparent access to public records is an essential responsibility for elected and appointed government leaders. But taking on the role of guardian and champion of public records is increasingly more difficult.

Today’s world is undeniably digital. And many guardians of records struggle to keep up with legal mandates and constituent expectations for 24/7/365 secure records access. There are challenges across multiple fronts: aging documents, natural and man-made disasters, limited storage, outdated technology, and siloed records solutions.

Government officials – who are the guardians and champions of public records – need a trusted provider with a comprehensive solution to enable the safeguarding of their records and deliver high-quality, guaranteed results that meet their legal obligations.

Critical Records Management Solutions

Kofile empowers government leaders to confidently navigate the complexities of records management with a holistic, comprehensive approach and tailored solutions that address immediate project requirements. By applying the right techniques, technology, and processes, Kofile equips government officials to be guardians of history, fulfill their oath, and support their constituents.

Critical Records Restoration, Preservation, and Protection

Protect history with a unique treatment plan for every record combining proven techniques, advanced tools, and meticulous processes.

Digital Capture With Document and Image Enhancement

Bring your critical records online with a thorough process that restores and protects aging documents, enhances illegible images, and certifies every image for quality and integrity

Records Indexing, Management, and Access

Find and retrieve your records rapidly through accurate and consistent indexing performed by professionals with 20+ years of experience working on diverse, large volumes of records

Digital Access and Retrieval of Public Records

Enable anywhere, anytime records search, retrieval, and controlled access for your staff and constituents without training or IT involvement


“When Kofile delivered the first book, we had a little arrival ceremony that had a lot of positive reaction on social media. In fact, people were so impressed, a few citizens pooled their money to contribute to our efforts to preserve more books, so in the cover of one of the next books we dedicated that book to the citizens of Pickens.”

Jennifer Jordan Clerk of Superior and Juvenile Courts for Pickens County, GA

Saving the Legacy and Increasing Accessibility to the Pickens County Deeds

When Jennifer Jordan ran for office, revamping Pickens county deeds damaged from fire were top priorities. Jordan trusted Kofile to restore and preserve, digitally enhance, and index records to save their legacy and increase accessibility.

  • Online records access generated $300K in incremental county revenue
  • County records are now protected and accessible to citizens for at least 300 years
  • Overwhelmingly positive reaction on the preserved books by county citizens

The Critical Records Management guide that every public official needs

Learn how U.S. government organizations and their officials are adopting a Critical Records Management strategy to modernize their approach to managing, safeguarding, and providing access to public records.

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